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MessageSummaryItems Enumeration

A bitfield of MessageSummary fields.

Namespace: MailKit
Assembly: MailKit (in MailKit.dll) Version: 4.10.0
public enum MessageSummaryItems
Member nameValueDescription
None0 Don't fetch any summary items.

Fetch the Annotations.

Fetches all ANNOTATION values as defined in rfc5257.


Fetch the Body.

Fetches the BODY value as defined in rfc3501.

Note  Note
Unlike BodyStructure, Body will not populate the ContentType parameters nor will it populate the ContentDisposition, ContentLanguage or ContentLocation properties of each BodyPartBasic body part. This makes Body far less useful than BodyStructure especially when it is desirable to determine whether or not a body part is an attachment.

Fetch the Body (but with more details than Body).

Fetches the BODYSTRUCTURE value as defined in rfc3501.

Note  Note
Unlike Body, BodyStructure will also populate the ContentType parameters as well as the ContentDisposition, ContentLanguage and ContentLocation properties of each BodyPartBasic body part. The Content-Disposition information is especially important when trying to determine whether or not a body part is an attachment, for example.

Fetch the Envelope.

Fetches the ENVELOPE value as defined in rfc3501.


Fetch the Flags.

Fetches the FLAGS value as defined in rfc3501.


Fetch the InternalDate.

Fetches the INTERNALDATE value as defined in rfc3501.


Fetch the Size.

Fetches the RFC822.SIZE value as defined in rfc3501.


A macro for fetching the Flags, InternalDate, and Size values.

This macro maps to the equivalent FAST macro as defined in rfc3501.


A macro for fetching the Envelope, Flags, InternalDate, and Size values.

This macro maps to the equivalent ALL macro as defined in rfc3501.


A macro for fetching the Body, Envelope, Flags, InternalDate, and Size values.

This macro maps to the equivalent FULL macro as defined in rfc3501.


Fetch the ModSeq.

Fetches the MODSEQ value as defined in rfc4551.

References256 Fetch the References.

Fetch the UniqueId.

Fetches the UID value as defined in rfc3501.


Fetch the EmailId.

Fetches the EMAILID value as defined in rfc8474.


Fetch the ThreadId.

Fetches the THREADID value as defined in rfc8474.


Fetch the GMailMessageId.

Fetches the X-GM-MSGID value as defined in Google's IMAP extensions documentation.


Fetch the GMailThreadId.

Fetches the X-GM-THRID value as defined in Google's IMAP extensions documentation.


Fetch the GMailLabels.

Fetches the X-GM-LABELS value as defined in Google's IMAP extensions documentation.


Fetch the the complete list of Headers for each message.


Fetch the PreviewText.

Note  Note
This property can be quite expensive to calculate because it is typically not an item that is cached on the IMAP server. Instead, MailKit must download a hunk of the message body so that it can decode and parse it in order to generate a meaningful text snippet. This usually involves downloading the first 512 bytes for text/plain message bodies and the first 16 kilobytes for text/html message bodies. If a message contains both a text/plain body and a text/html body, then the text/plain content is used in order to reduce network traffic.

Fetch the SaveDate.

Fetches the SAVEDATE value as defined in rfc8514.

See Also