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MimeKit.Encodings Namespace

The MimeKit.Encodings namespace provides classes for encoding and decoding various MIME transfer encodings.
Public classBase64Decoder Incrementally decodes content encoded with the base64 encoding.
Public classBase64Encoder Incrementally encodes content using the base64 encoding.
Public classHexDecoder Incrementally decodes content encoded with a Uri hex encoding.
Public classHexEncoder Incrementally encodes content using a Uri hex encoding.
Public classPassThroughDecoder A pass-through decoder implementing the IMimeDecoder interface.
Public classPassThroughEncoder A pass-through encoder implementing the IMimeDecoder interface.
Public classPunycode A class for encoding and decoding international domain names.
Public classQEncoder Incrementally encodes content using a variation of the quoted-printable encoding that is specifically meant to be used for rfc2047 encoded-word tokens.
Public classQuotedPrintableDecoder Incrementally decodes content encoded with the quoted-printable encoding.
Public classQuotedPrintableEncoder Incrementally encodes content using the quoted-printable encoding.
Public classUUDecoder Incrementally decodes content encoded with the Unix-to-Unix encoding.
Public classUUEncoder Incrementally encodes content using the Unix-to-Unix encoding.
Public classYDecoder Incrementally decodes content encoded with the yEnc encoding.
Public classYEncoder Incrementally encodes content using the yEnc encoding.
Public interfaceIMimeDecoder An interface for incrementally decoding content.
Public interfaceIMimeEncoder An interface for incrementally encoding content.
Public interfaceIPunycode An interface for encoding and decoding international domain names.
Public enumerationQEncodeMode Q-Encoding mode.