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SecureMailboxAddress Properties

The SecureMailboxAddress type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAddress Get or set the mailbox address.
(Inherited from MailboxAddress)
Public propertyDomain Get the domain of the email address.
(Inherited from MailboxAddress)
Public propertyEncoding Get or set the character encoding to use when encoding the name of the address.
(Inherited from InternetAddress)
Public propertyFingerprint Gets the fingerprint of the certificate and/or key to use for signing or encrypting.
Public propertyIsInternational Get whether the address is an international address.
(Inherited from MailboxAddress)
Public propertyLocalPart Get the local-part of the email address.
(Inherited from MailboxAddress)
Public propertyName Get or set the display name of the address.
(Inherited from InternetAddress)
Public propertyRoute Get the mailbox route.
(Inherited from MailboxAddress)
See Also