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ImapClient Class

An IMAP client that can be used to retrieve messages from a server.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: MailKit.Net.Imap
Assembly: MailKit (in MailKit.dll) Version: 4.10.0
public class ImapClient : MailStore, IImapClient, 
	IMailStore, IMailService, IDisposable

The ImapClient type exposes the following members.

Public methodCode exampleImapClient Initializes a new instance of the ImapClient class.
Public methodCode exampleImapClient(IProtocolLogger) Initializes a new instance of the ImapClient class.
Public propertyAppendLimit Get the maximum size of a message that can be appended to a folder.
Public propertyCode exampleAuthenticationMechanisms Get the authentication mechanisms supported by the IMAP server.
(Overrides MailServiceAuthenticationMechanisms)
Public propertyCode exampleCapabilities Get the capabilities supported by the IMAP server.
Public propertyCheckCertificateRevocation Get or set whether connecting via SSL/TLS should check certificate revocation.
(Inherited from MailService)
Public propertyClientCertificates Get or set the client SSL certificates.
(Inherited from MailService)
Public propertyCode exampleInbox Get the Inbox folder.
(Overrides MailStoreInbox)
Public propertyInternationalizationLevel Get the internationalization level supported by the IMAP server.
Public propertyIsAuthenticated Get whether or not the client is currently authenticated with the IMAP server.
(Overrides MailServiceIsAuthenticated)
Public propertyIsConnected Get whether or not the client is currently connected to an IMAP server.
(Overrides MailServiceIsConnected)
Public propertyIsEncrypted Get whether or not the connection is encrypted (typically via SSL or TLS).
(Overrides MailServiceIsEncrypted)
Public propertyIsIdle Get whether or not the client is currently in the IDLE state.
Public propertyIsSecure Get whether or not the connection is secure (typically via SSL or TLS).
(Overrides MailServiceIsSecure)
Public propertyIsSigned Get whether or not the connection is signed (typically via SSL or TLS).
(Overrides MailServiceIsSigned)
Public propertyLocalEndPoint Get or set the local IP end point to use when connecting to the remote host.
(Inherited from MailService)
Public propertyCode exampleOtherNamespaces Get the other namespaces.
(Overrides MailStoreOtherNamespaces)
Public propertyCode examplePersonalNamespaces Get the personal namespaces.
(Overrides MailStorePersonalNamespaces)
Protected propertyProtocol Get the protocol supported by the message service.
(Overrides MailServiceProtocol)
Public propertyProtocolLogger Get the protocol logger.
(Inherited from MailService)
Public propertyCode exampleProxyClient Get or set the proxy client to use when connecting to a remote host.
(Inherited from MailService)
Public propertyCode exampleRights Get the access rights supported by the IMAP server.
Public propertyCode exampleServerCertificateValidationCallback Get or set a callback function to validate the server certificate.
(Inherited from MailService)
Public propertyCode exampleSharedNamespaces Get the shared namespaces.
(Overrides MailStoreSharedNamespaces)
Public propertyCode exampleSslCipherAlgorithm Get the negotiated SSL or TLS cipher algorithm.
(Overrides MailServiceSslCipherAlgorithm)
Public propertyCode exampleSslCipherStrength Get the negotiated SSL or TLS cipher algorithm strength.
(Overrides MailServiceSslCipherStrength)
Public propertyCode exampleSslHashAlgorithm Get the negotiated SSL or TLS hash algorithm.
(Overrides MailServiceSslHashAlgorithm)
Public propertyCode exampleSslHashStrength Get the negotiated SSL or TLS hash algorithm strength.
(Overrides MailServiceSslHashStrength)
Public propertyCode exampleSslKeyExchangeAlgorithm Get the negotiated SSL or TLS key exchange algorithm.
(Overrides MailServiceSslKeyExchangeAlgorithm)
Public propertyCode exampleSslKeyExchangeStrength Get the negotiated SSL or TLS key exchange algorithm strength.
(Overrides MailServiceSslKeyExchangeStrength)
Public propertyCode exampleSslProtocol Get the negotiated SSL or TLS protocol version.
(Overrides MailServiceSslProtocol)
Public propertySslProtocols Get or set the set of enabled SSL and/or TLS protocol versions that the client is allowed to use.
(Inherited from MailService)
Public propertySupportsQuotas Get whether or not the mail store supports quotas.
(Overrides MailStoreSupportsQuotas)
Public propertySyncRoot Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the IMAP server.
(Overrides MailServiceSyncRoot)
Public propertyCode exampleThreadingAlgorithms Get the threading algorithms supported by the IMAP server.
(Overrides MailStoreThreadingAlgorithms)
Public propertyTimeout Get or set the timeout for network streaming operations, in milliseconds.
(Overrides MailServiceTimeout)
Public methodAuthenticate(ICredentials, CancellationToken) Authenticate using the supplied credentials.
(Inherited from MailService)
Public methodAuthenticate(SaslMechanism, CancellationToken) Authenticate using the specified SASL mechanism.
(Overrides MailServiceAuthenticate(SaslMechanism, CancellationToken))
Public methodAuthenticate(Encoding, ICredentials, CancellationToken) Authenticate using the supplied credentials.
(Overrides MailServiceAuthenticate(Encoding, ICredentials, CancellationToken))
Public methodCode exampleAuthenticate(String, String, CancellationToken) Authenticate using the specified user name and password.
(Inherited from MailService)
Public methodAuthenticate(Encoding, String, String, CancellationToken) Authenticate using the specified user name and password.
(Inherited from MailService)
Public methodAuthenticateAsync(ICredentials, CancellationToken) Asynchronously authenticate using the supplied credentials.
(Inherited from MailService)
Public methodAuthenticateAsync(SaslMechanism, CancellationToken) Asynchronously authenticate using the specified SASL mechanism.
(Overrides MailServiceAuthenticateAsync(SaslMechanism, CancellationToken))
Public methodAuthenticateAsync(Encoding, ICredentials, CancellationToken) Asynchronously authenticate using the supplied credentials.
(Overrides MailServiceAuthenticateAsync(Encoding, ICredentials, CancellationToken))
Public methodAuthenticateAsync(String, String, CancellationToken) Asynchronously authenticate using the specified user name and password.
(Inherited from MailService)
Public methodAuthenticateAsync(Encoding, String, String, CancellationToken) Asynchronously authenticate using the specified user name and password.
(Inherited from MailService)
Public methodCompress Enable compression over the IMAP connection.
Public methodCompressAsync Asynchronously enable compression over the IMAP connection.
Public methodCode exampleConnect(Uri, CancellationToken) Establish a connection to the specified mail server.
(Inherited from MailService)
Public methodConnect(String, Int32, Boolean, CancellationToken) Establish a connection to the specified mail server.
(Inherited from MailService)
Public methodCode exampleConnect(String, Int32, SecureSocketOptions, CancellationToken) Establish a connection to the specified IMAP server.
(Overrides MailServiceConnect(String, Int32, SecureSocketOptions, CancellationToken))
Public methodConnect(Socket, String, Int32, SecureSocketOptions, CancellationToken) Establish a connection to the specified IMAP or IMAP/S server using the provided socket.
(Overrides MailServiceConnect(Socket, String, Int32, SecureSocketOptions, CancellationToken))
Public methodConnect(Stream, String, Int32, SecureSocketOptions, CancellationToken) Establish a connection to the specified IMAP or IMAP/S server using the provided stream.
(Overrides MailServiceConnect(Stream, String, Int32, SecureSocketOptions, CancellationToken))
Public methodConnectAsync(Uri, CancellationToken) Asynchronously establish a connection to the specified mail server.
(Inherited from MailService)
Public methodConnectAsync(String, Int32, Boolean, CancellationToken) Asynchronously establish a connection to the specified mail server.
(Inherited from MailService)
Public methodCode exampleConnectAsync(String, Int32, SecureSocketOptions, CancellationToken) Asynchronously establish a connection to the specified IMAP server.
(Overrides MailServiceConnectAsync(String, Int32, SecureSocketOptions, CancellationToken))
Public methodConnectAsync(Socket, String, Int32, SecureSocketOptions, CancellationToken) Asynchronously establish a connection to the specified IMAP or IMAP/S server using the provided socket.
(Overrides MailServiceConnectAsync(Socket, String, Int32, SecureSocketOptions, CancellationToken))
Public methodConnectAsync(Stream, String, Int32, SecureSocketOptions, CancellationToken) Asynchronously establish a connection to the specified IMAP or IMAP/S server using the provided stream.
(Overrides MailServiceConnectAsync(Stream, String, Int32, SecureSocketOptions, CancellationToken))
Protected methodCreateImapFolder Instantiate a new ImapFolder.
Public methodDisableNotify Disable any previously requested notification events from the IMAP server.
Public methodDisableNotifyAsync Asynchronously disable any previously requested notification events from the IMAP server.
Public methodCode exampleDisconnect Disconnect the service.
(Overrides MailServiceDisconnect(Boolean, CancellationToken))
Public methodCode exampleDisconnectAsync Asynchronously disconnect the service.
(Overrides MailServiceDisconnectAsync(Boolean, CancellationToken))
Public methodDispose Releases all resource used by the MailService object.
(Inherited from MailService)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean) Releases the unmanaged resources used by the ImapClient and optionally releases the managed resources.
(Overrides MailServiceDispose(Boolean))
Public methodEnableQuickResync Enable the QRESYNC feature.
(Overrides MailStoreEnableQuickResync(CancellationToken))
Public methodEnableQuickResyncAsync Asynchronously enable the QRESYNC feature.
(Overrides MailStoreEnableQuickResyncAsync(CancellationToken))
Public methodEnableUTF8 Enable the UTF8=ACCEPT extension.
Public methodEnableUTF8Async Asynchronously enable the UTF8=ACCEPT extension.
Public methodEquals
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalize Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the MailService is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from MailService)
Public methodCode exampleGetFolder(FolderNamespace) Get the folder for the specified namespace.
(Overrides MailStoreGetFolder(FolderNamespace))
Public methodGetFolder(SpecialFolder) Get the specified special folder.
(Overrides MailStoreGetFolder(SpecialFolder))
Public methodGetFolder(String, CancellationToken) Get the folder for the specified path.
(Overrides MailStoreGetFolder(String, CancellationToken))
Public methodGetFolderAsync Asynchronously get the folder for the specified path.
(Overrides MailStoreGetFolderAsync(String, CancellationToken))
Public methodGetFolders(FolderNamespace, Boolean, CancellationToken) Get all of the folders within the specified namespace.
(Inherited from MailStore)
Public methodGetFolders(FolderNamespace, StatusItems, Boolean, CancellationToken) Get all of the folders within the specified namespace.
(Overrides MailStoreGetFolders(FolderNamespace, StatusItems, Boolean, CancellationToken))
Public methodGetFoldersAsync(FolderNamespace, Boolean, CancellationToken) Asynchronously get all of the folders within the specified namespace.
(Inherited from MailStore)
Public methodGetFoldersAsync(FolderNamespace, StatusItems, Boolean, CancellationToken) Asynchronously get all of the folders within the specified namespace.
(Overrides MailStoreGetFoldersAsync(FolderNamespace, StatusItems, Boolean, CancellationToken))
Public methodGetHashCode
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetMetadata(IEnumerableMetadataTag, CancellationToken) Gets the specified metadata.
(Inherited from MailStore)
Public methodGetMetadata(MetadataTag, CancellationToken) Gets the specified metadata.
(Overrides MailStoreGetMetadata(MetadataTag, CancellationToken))
Public methodGetMetadata(MetadataOptions, IEnumerableMetadataTag, CancellationToken) Gets the specified metadata.
(Overrides MailStoreGetMetadata(MetadataOptions, IEnumerableMetadataTag, CancellationToken))
Public methodGetMetadataAsync(IEnumerableMetadataTag, CancellationToken) Asynchronously gets the specified metadata.
(Inherited from MailStore)
Public methodGetMetadataAsync(MetadataTag, CancellationToken) Asynchronously gets the specified metadata.
(Overrides MailStoreGetMetadataAsync(MetadataTag, CancellationToken))
Public methodGetMetadataAsync(MetadataOptions, IEnumerableMetadataTag, CancellationToken) Asynchronously gets the specified metadata.
(Overrides MailStoreGetMetadataAsync(MetadataOptions, IEnumerableMetadataTag, CancellationToken))
Public methodGetType
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodCode exampleIdentify Identify the client implementation to the server and obtain the server implementation details.
Public methodIdentifyAsync Asynchronously identify the client implementation to the server and obtain the server implementation details.
Public methodCode exampleIdle Toggle the ImapClient into the IDLE state.
Public methodIdleAsync Asynchronously toggle the ImapClient into the IDLE state.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodCode exampleNoOp Ping the IMAP server to keep the connection alive.
(Overrides MailServiceNoOp(CancellationToken))
Public methodCode exampleNoOpAsync Asynchronously ping the IMAP server to keep the connection alive.
(Overrides MailServiceNoOpAsync(CancellationToken))
Public methodNotify Request the specified notification events from the IMAP server.
Public methodNotifyAsync Asynchronously request the specified notification events from the IMAP server.
Protected methodOnAlert Raise the alert event.
(Inherited from MailStore)
Protected methodOnAuthenticated Raise the authenticated event.
(Inherited from MailService)
Protected methodOnConnected Raise the connected event.
(Inherited from MailService)
Protected methodOnDisconnected Raise the disconnected event.
(Inherited from MailService)
Protected methodOnFolderCreated Raise the folder created event.
(Inherited from MailStore)
Protected methodOnMetadataChanged Raise the metadata changed event.
(Inherited from MailStore)
Protected methodOnWebAlert Raise the web alert event.
Public methodSetMetadata Sets the specified metadata.
(Overrides MailStoreSetMetadata(MetadataCollection, CancellationToken))
Public methodSetMetadataAsync Asynchronously gets the specified metadata.
(Overrides MailStoreSetMetadataAsync(MetadataCollection, CancellationToken))
Public methodToString
(Inherited from Object)
Public eventAlert Occurs when a remote message store receives an alert message from the server.
(Inherited from MailStore)
Public eventAuthenticated Occurs when the client has been successfully authenticated.
(Inherited from MailService)
Public eventConnected Occurs when the client has been successfully connected.
(Inherited from MailService)
Public eventDisconnected Occurs when the client gets disconnected.
(Inherited from MailService)
Public eventFolderCreated Occurs when a folder is created.
(Inherited from MailStore)
Public eventMetadataChanged Occurs when metadata changes.
(Inherited from MailStore)
Public eventWebAlert Occurs when a Google Mail server sends a WEBALERT response code to the client.
The ImapClient class supports both the "imap" and "imaps" protocols. The "imap" protocol makes a clear-text connection to the IMAP server and does not use SSL or TLS unless the IMAP server supports the STARTTLS extension. The "imaps" protocol, however, connects to the IMAP server using an SSL-wrapped connection.
public static void DownloadMessages ()
    using (var client = new ImapClient ()) {
        client.Connect ("", 993, SecureSocketOptions.SslOnConnect);

        client.Authenticate ("username", "password");

        client.Inbox.Open (FolderAccess.ReadOnly);

        var uids = client.Inbox.Search (SearchQuery.All);

        foreach (var uid in uids) {
            var message = client.Inbox.GetMessage (uid);

            // write the message to a file
            message.WriteTo (string.Format ("{0}.eml", uid));

        client.Disconnect (true);
See Also