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IApplicationPkcs7Mime Interface

An interface for an S/MIME part with a Content-Type of application/pkcs7-mime.

Namespace: MimeKit.Cryptography
Assembly: MimeKit (in MimeKit.dll) Version: 4.10.0
public interface IApplicationPkcs7Mime : IMimePart, 
	IMimeEntity, IDisposable

The IApplicationPkcs7Mime type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCode exampleContent Get or set the MIME content.
(Inherited from IMimePart)
Public propertyContentBase Get or set the base content URI.
(Inherited from IMimeEntity)
Public propertyContentDescription Get or set the description of the content if available.
(Inherited from IMimePart)
Public propertyContentDisposition Get or set the content disposition.
(Inherited from IMimeEntity)
Public propertyContentDuration Get or set the duration of the content if available.
(Inherited from IMimePart)
Public propertyContentId Get or set the Content-Id.
(Inherited from IMimeEntity)
Public propertyContentLocation Get or set the content location.
(Inherited from IMimeEntity)
Public propertyContentMd5 Get or set the md5sum of the content.
(Inherited from IMimePart)
Public propertyContentTransferEncoding Get or set the content transfer encoding.
(Inherited from IMimePart)
Public propertyContentType Get the type of the content.
(Inherited from IMimeEntity)
Public propertyCode exampleFileName Get or set the name of the file.
(Inherited from IMimePart)
Public propertyHeaders Get the list of headers.
(Inherited from IMimeEntity)
Public propertyIsAttachment Get a value indicating whether this entity is an attachment.
(Inherited from IMimeEntity)
Public propertySecureMimeType Gets the value of the "smime-type" parameter.
Public methodAccept Dispatches to the specific visit method for this MIME entity.
(Inherited from IMimeEntity)
Public methodComputeContentMd5 Compute the MD5 checksum of the content.
(Inherited from IMimePart)
Public methodDecompress(CancellationToken) Decompress the compressed-data.
Public methodDecompress(SecureMimeContext, CancellationToken) Decompress the compressed-data.
Public methodDecompressAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously decompress the compressed-data.
Public methodDecompressAsync(SecureMimeContext, CancellationToken) Asynchronously decompress the compressed-data.
Public methodDecrypt(CancellationToken) Decrypt the enveloped-data.
Public methodDecrypt(SecureMimeContext, CancellationToken) Decrypt the enveloped-data.
Public methodDecryptAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously decrypt the enveloped-data.
Public methodDecryptAsync(SecureMimeContext, CancellationToken) Asynchronously decrypt the enveloped-data.
Public methodDispose
(Inherited from IDisposable)
Public methodGetBestEncoding(EncodingConstraint, CancellationToken) Calculate the most efficient content encoding given the specified constraint.
(Inherited from IMimePart)
Public methodGetBestEncoding(EncodingConstraint, Int32, CancellationToken) Calculate the most efficient content encoding given the specified constraint.
(Inherited from IMimePart)
Public methodImport Import the certificates contained in the application/pkcs7-mime content.
Public methodImportAsync Asynchronously import the certificates contained in the application/pkcs7-mime content.
Public methodPrepare Prepare the MIME entity for transport using the specified encoding constraints.
(Inherited from IMimeEntity)
Public methodVerify(MimeEntity, CancellationToken) Verifies the signed-data and returns the unencapsulated MimeEntity.
Public methodVerify(SecureMimeContext, MimeEntity, CancellationToken) Verify the signed-data and return the unencapsulated MimeEntity.
Public methodVerifyContentMd5 Verify the Content-Md5 value against an independently computed md5sum.
(Inherited from IMimePart)
Public methodWriteTo(Stream, CancellationToken) Write the IMimeEntity to the specified output stream.
(Inherited from IMimeEntity)
Public methodWriteTo(String, CancellationToken) Write the IMimeEntity to the specified file.
(Inherited from IMimeEntity)
Public methodWriteTo(FormatOptions, Stream, CancellationToken) Write the IMimeEntity to the specified output stream.
(Inherited from IMimeEntity)
Public methodWriteTo(FormatOptions, String, CancellationToken) Write the IMimeEntity to the specified file.
(Inherited from IMimeEntity)
Public methodWriteTo(Stream, Boolean, CancellationToken) Write the IMimeEntity to the specified output stream.
(Inherited from IMimeEntity)
Public methodWriteTo(String, Boolean, CancellationToken) Write the IMimeEntity to the specified file.
(Inherited from IMimeEntity)
Public methodWriteTo(FormatOptions, Stream, Boolean, CancellationToken) Write the IMimeEntity to the specified output stream.
(Inherited from IMimeEntity)
Public methodWriteTo(FormatOptions, String, Boolean, CancellationToken) Write the IMimeEntity to the specified file.
(Inherited from IMimeEntity)
Public methodWriteToAsync(Stream, CancellationToken) Asynchronously write the IMimeEntity to the specified output stream.
(Inherited from IMimeEntity)
Public methodWriteToAsync(String, CancellationToken) Asynchronously write the IMimeEntity to the specified file.
(Inherited from IMimeEntity)
Public methodWriteToAsync(FormatOptions, Stream, CancellationToken) Asynchronously write the IMimeEntity to the specified output stream.
(Inherited from IMimeEntity)
Public methodWriteToAsync(FormatOptions, String, CancellationToken) Asynchronously write the IMimeEntity to the specified file.
(Inherited from IMimeEntity)
Public methodWriteToAsync(Stream, Boolean, CancellationToken) Asynchronously write the IMimeEntity to the specified output stream.
(Inherited from IMimeEntity)
Public methodWriteToAsync(String, Boolean, CancellationToken) Asynchronously write the IMimeEntity to the specified file.
(Inherited from IMimeEntity)
Public methodWriteToAsync(FormatOptions, Stream, Boolean, CancellationToken) Asynchronously write the IMimeEntity to the specified output stream.
(Inherited from IMimeEntity)
Public methodWriteToAsync(FormatOptions, String, Boolean, CancellationToken) Asynchronously write the IMimeEntity to the specified file.
(Inherited from IMimeEntity)
An application/pkcs7-mime is an S/MIME part and may contain encrypted, signed or compressed data (or any combination of the above).
See Also