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SQLServerCertificateDatabase Class

An X.509 certificate database built on SQL Server.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: MimeKit.Cryptography
Assembly: MimeKit (in MimeKit.dll) Version: 4.10.0
public class SQLServerCertificateDatabase : SqlCertificateDatabase

The SQLServerCertificateDatabase type exposes the following members.

Public methodSQLServerCertificateDatabase(DbConnection, String) Initialize a new instance of the SQLServerCertificateDatabase class.
Public methodSQLServerCertificateDatabase(DbConnection, String, SecureRandom) Initialize a new instance of the SQLServerCertificateDatabase class.
Protected propertyCertificatesTable Get the X.509 certificate table definition.
(Inherited from SqlCertificateDatabase)
Protected propertyCrlsTable Get the X.509 certificate revocation lists (CRLs) table definition.
(Inherited from SqlCertificateDatabase)
Protected propertyEncryptionAlgorithm Gets or sets the algorithm used for encrypting the private keys.
(Inherited from X509CertificateDatabase)
Protected propertyMinIterations Gets or sets the minimum iterations.
(Inherited from X509CertificateDatabase)
Protected propertyRandomNumberGenerator Get the secure pseudo-random number generator used when encrypting private keys.
(Inherited from X509CertificateDatabase)
Protected propertySaltSize Gets or sets the size of the salt.
(Inherited from X509CertificateDatabase)
Public methodAdd(X509CertificateRecord) Add the specified certificate record.
(Inherited from X509CertificateDatabase)
Public methodAdd(X509CrlRecord) Add the specified CRL record.
(Inherited from X509CertificateDatabase)
Protected methodAddTableColumn Adds a column to a table.
(Overrides SqlCertificateDatabaseAddTableColumn(DbConnection, DataTable, DataColumn))
Protected methodCreateIndex Creates an index for faster table lookups.
(Overrides SqlCertificateDatabaseCreateIndex(DbConnection, String, String))
Protected methodCreateTable Create a table.
(Overrides SqlCertificateDatabaseCreateTable(DbConnection, DataTable))
Public methodDispose Releases all resource used by the X509CertificateDatabase object.
(Inherited from X509CertificateDatabase)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean) Releases the unmanaged resources used by the SqlCertificateDatabase and optionally releases the managed resources.
(Inherited from SqlCertificateDatabase)
Public methodEquals
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalize Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the X509CertificateDatabase is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from X509CertificateDatabase)
Public methodFind(X509Certificate, X509CertificateRecordFields) Find the specified certificate.
(Inherited from X509CertificateDatabase)
Public methodFind(X509Crl, X509CrlRecordFields) Finds the specified certificate revocation list.
(Inherited from X509CertificateDatabase)
Public methodFind(X509Name, X509CrlRecordFields) Finds the CRL records for the specified issuer.
(Inherited from X509CertificateDatabase)
Public methodFind(ISelectorX509Certificate, Boolean, X509CertificateRecordFields) Finds the certificate records matching the specified selector.
(Inherited from X509CertificateDatabase)
Public methodFind(MailboxAddress, DateTime, Boolean, X509CertificateRecordFields) Finds the certificate records for the specified mailbox.
(Inherited from X509CertificateDatabase)
Public methodFindCertificates Finds the certificates matching the specified selector.
(Inherited from X509CertificateDatabase)
Public methodFindPrivateKeys Finds the private keys matching the specified selector.
(Inherited from X509CertificateDatabase)
Public methodGetCrlStore Gets a certificate revocation list store.
(Inherited from X509CertificateDatabase)
Protected methodGetDeleteCommand(DbConnection, X509CertificateRecord) Gets the database command to delete the specified certificate record.
(Inherited from SqlCertificateDatabase)
Protected methodGetDeleteCommand(DbConnection, X509CrlRecord) Gets the database command to delete the specified CRL record.
(Inherited from SqlCertificateDatabase)
Public methodGetHashCode
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodGetInsertCommand(DbConnection, X509CrlRecord) Gets the database command to insert the specified CRL record.
(Inherited from SqlCertificateDatabase)
Protected methodGetInsertCommand(DbConnection, X509CertificateRecord) Gets the database command to insert the specified certificate record.
(Overrides SqlCertificateDatabaseGetInsertCommand(DbConnection, X509CertificateRecord))
Protected methodGetSelectAllCrlsCommand Gets the database command to select all CRLs in the table.
(Inherited from SqlCertificateDatabase)
Protected methodGetSelectCommand(DbConnection, X509Name, X509CrlRecordFields) Gets the database command to select the CRL records matching the specified issuer.
(Inherited from SqlCertificateDatabase)
Protected methodGetSelectCommand(DbConnection, X509Crl, X509CrlRecordFields) Gets the database command to select the record for the specified CRL.
(Inherited from SqlCertificateDatabase)
Protected methodGetSelectCommand(DbConnection, X509Certificate, X509CertificateRecordFields) Gets the database command to select the record matching the specified certificate.
(Overrides SqlCertificateDatabaseGetSelectCommand(DbConnection, X509Certificate, X509CertificateRecordFields))
Protected methodGetSelectCommand(DbConnection, MailboxAddress, DateTime, Boolean, X509CertificateRecordFields) Get the database command to select the certificate records for the specified mailbox.
(Inherited from SqlCertificateDatabase)
Protected methodGetSelectCommand(DbConnection, ISelectorX509Certificate, Boolean, Boolean, X509CertificateRecordFields) Get the database command to select the requested certificate records.
(Inherited from SqlCertificateDatabase)
Protected methodGetTableColumns Gets the columns for the specified table.
(Overrides SqlCertificateDatabaseGetTableColumns(DbConnection, String))
Public methodGetType
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodGetUpdateCommand(DbConnection, X509CrlRecord)Obsolete.
Gets the database command to update the specified CRL record.
(Inherited from SqlCertificateDatabase)
Protected methodGetUpdateCommand(DbConnection, X509CertificateRecord, X509CertificateRecordFields) Gets the database command to update the specified record.
(Inherited from SqlCertificateDatabase)
Protected methodGetValue(X509CertificateRecord, String) Gets the value for the specified column.
(Inherited from X509CertificateDatabase)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodRemove(X509CertificateRecord) Remove the specified certificate record.
(Inherited from X509CertificateDatabase)
Public methodRemove(X509CrlRecord) Remove the specified CRL record.
(Inherited from X509CertificateDatabase)
Protected methodRemoveIndex Removes an index that is no longer needed.
(Overrides SqlCertificateDatabaseRemoveIndex(DbConnection, String, String))
Public methodToString
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodUpdate(X509CrlRecord)Obsolete.
Update the specified CRL record.
(Inherited from X509CertificateDatabase)
Public methodUpdate(X509CertificateRecord, X509CertificateRecordFields) Update the specified certificate record.
(Inherited from X509CertificateDatabase)

An X.509 certificate database is used for storing certificates, metdata related to the certificates (such as encryption algorithms supported by the associated client), certificate revocation lists (CRLs), and private keys.

This particular database uses SQL Server to store the data.

See Also