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AttachmentCollectionAdd(String, CancellationToken) Method

Add an attachment.

Namespace: MimeKit
Assembly: MimeKit (in MimeKit.dll) Version: 4.10.0
public MimeEntity Add(
	string fileName,
	CancellationToken cancellationToken = default


fileName  String
The name of the file.
cancellationToken  CancellationToken  (Optional)
The cancellation token.

Return Value

The newly added attachment MimeEntity.
ArgumentNullExceptionfileName is .
ArgumentExceptionfileName is a zero-length string, contains only white space, or contains one or more invalid characters.
DirectoryNotFoundExceptionfileName is an invalid file path.
FileNotFoundException The specified file path could not be found.
UnauthorizedAccessException The user does not have access to read the specified file.
IOException An I/O error occurred.
OperationCanceledException The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.

Adds the specified file as an attachment.

            var message = new MimeMessage ();
            message.From.Add (new MailboxAddress ("Joey", ""));
            message.To.Add (new MailboxAddress ("Alice", ""));
            message.Subject = "How you doin?";

            var builder = new BodyBuilder ();

            // Set the plain-text version of the message text
            builder.TextBody = @"Hey Alice,

What are you up to this weekend? Monica is throwing one of her parties on
Saturday and I was hoping you could make it.

Will you be my +1?

-- Joey

            // In order to reference selfie.jpg from the html text, we'll need to add it
            // to builder.LinkedResources and then use its Content-Id value in the img src.
            var image = builder.LinkedResources.Add (@"C:\Users\Joey\Documents\Selfies\selfie.jpg");
            image.ContentId = MimeUtils.GenerateMessageId ();

            // Set the html version of the message text
            builder.HtmlBody = string.Format (@"<p>Hey Alice,<br>
<p>What are you up to this weekend? Monica is throwing one of her parties on
Saturday and I was hoping you could make it.<br>
<p>Will you be my +1?<br>
<p>-- Joey<br>
<center><img src=""cid:{0}""></center>", image.ContentId);

            // We may also want to attach a calendar event for Monica's party...
            builder.Attachments.Add (@"C:\Users\Joey\Documents\party.ics");

            // Now we just need to set the message body and we're done
            message.Body = builder.ToMessageBody ();
See Also