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MimeKit Namespace

The MimeKit namespace provides classes that are used to implement the core MIME parsing services of the framework.
Public classCode exampleAttachmentCollection A collection of attachments.
Public classCode exampleBodyBuilder A message body builder.
Public classContentDisposition A class representing a Content-Disposition header value.
Public classContentType A class representing a Content-Type header value.
Public classDomainList A domain list.
Public classExperimentalMimeParser An experimental replacement for MimeParser.
Public classFormatOptions Format options for serializing various MimeKit objects.
Public classGroupAddress An address group, as specified by rfc0822.
Public classHeader A class representing a Message or MIME header.
Public classHeaderIdExtensionsHeaderId extension methods.
Public classHeaderList A list of Headers.
Public classHeaderListCollection A collection of HeaderList groups.
Public classInternetAddress An abstract internet address, as specified by rfc0822.
Public classInternetAddressConverter A type converter for converting between InternetAddress and string.
Public classInternetAddressList A list of email addresses.
Public classInternetAddressListConverter A type converter for converting between InternetAddressList and string.
Public classMailboxAddress A mailbox address, as specified by rfc822.
Public classCode exampleMessageDeliveryStatus A message delivery status MIME part.
Public classMessageDispositionNotification A message disposition notification MIME part.
Public classMessageFeedbackReport A message feedback report MIME part.
Public classMessageIdList A list of Message-Ids.
Public classMessagePart A MIME part containing a MimeMessage as its content.
Public classMessagePartial A MIME part containing a partial message as its content.
Public classCode exampleMimeContent Encapsulates a content stream used by MimePart.
Public classMimeEntity An abstract MIME entity.
Public classMimeEntityBeginEventArgs Event args emitted by the MimeParser when it begins parsing a MimeEntity.
Public classMimeEntityConstructorArgs MIME entity constructor arguments.
Public classMimeEntityEndEventArgs Event args emitted by the MimeParser when a MimeEntity is parsed.
Public classCode exampleMimeIterator An iterator for a MIME tree structure.
Public classMimeMessage A MIME message.
Public classMimeMessageBeginEventArgs Event args emitted by the MimeParser when it begins parsing a MimeMessage.
Public classMimeMessageEndEventArgs Event args emitted by the MimeParser when a MimeMessage is parsed.
Public classMimeParser A MIME message and entity parser.
Public classCode exampleMimePart A leaf-node MIME part that contains content such as the message body text or an attachment.
Public classMimeReader A MIME message and entity reader.
Public classMimeTypes A mapping of file name extensions to the corresponding MIME-type.
Public classCode exampleMimeVisitor Represents a visitor for MIME trees.
Public classMultipart A multipart MIME entity which may contain a collection of MIME entities.
Public classMultipartAlternative A multipart/alternative MIME entity.
Public classCode exampleMultipartRelated A multipart/related MIME entity.
Public classCode exampleMultipartReport A multipart/report MIME entity.
Public classParameter A header parameter as found in the Content-Type and Content-Disposition headers.
Public classParameterList A list of parameters, as found in the Content-Type and Content-Disposition headers.
Public classParseException A Parse exception as thrown by the various Parse methods in MimeKit.
Public classParserOptions Parser options as used by MimeParser as well as various Parse and TryParse methods in MimeKit.
Public classCode exampleTextPart A textual MIME part.
Public classTextRfc822Headers A MIME part containing message headers as its content.
Public interfaceCode exampleIMessageDeliveryStatus An interface for a message delivery status MIME part.
Public interfaceIMessageDispositionNotification An interface for a message disposition notification MIME part.
Public interfaceIMessageFeedbackReport An interface for a message feedback report MIME part.
Public interfaceIMessagePart An interface for a MIME part containing a MimeMessage as its content.
Public interfaceIMessagePartial An interface for a MIME part containing a partial message as its content.
Public interfaceCode exampleIMimeContent An interface for content stream encapsulation as used by MimePart.
Public interfaceIMimeEntity An interface for a MIME entity.
Public interfaceIMimeMessage An interface for a MIME message.
Public interfaceIMimeParser An interface for parsing messages, entities, and/or headers.
Public interfaceCode exampleIMimePart An interface for a leaf-node MIME part that contains content such as the message body text or an attachment.
Public interfaceIMultipart An interface for a multipart MIME entity which may contain a collection of MIME entities.
Public interfaceIMultipartAlternative An interface for a multipart/alternative MIME entity.
Public interfaceCode exampleIMultipartRelated An interface for a multipart/related MIME entity.
Public interfaceCode exampleIMultipartReport An interface for a multipart/report MIME entity.
Public interfaceCode exampleITextPart An interface for a textual MIME part.
Public interfaceITextRfc822Headers An interface for a MIME part containing message headers as its content.
Public enumerationContentEncoding An enumeration of all supported content transfer encodings.
Public enumerationEncodingConstraint A content encoding constraint.
Public enumerationHeaderId An enumeration of common header fields.
Public enumerationHeaderListChangedAction Header list changed action.
Public enumerationMessageImportance An enumeration of message importance values.
Public enumerationMessagePriority An enumeration of message priority values.
Public enumerationMimeFormat The format of the MIME stream.
Public enumerationNewLineFormat A New-Line format.
Public enumerationCode exampleParameterEncodingMethod The method to use for encoding Content-Type and Content-Disposition parameter values.
Public enumerationRfcComplianceMode An RFC compliance mode.
Public enumerationXMessagePriority An enumeration of X-Priority header values.