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MimeVisitor Methods

The MimeVisitor type exposes the following members.

Public methodEquals
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalize
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCode
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetType
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodToString
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodVisit(MimeEntity) Dispatches the entity to one of the more specialized visit methods in this class.
Public methodVisit(MimeMessage) Dispatches the message to one of the more specialized visit methods in this class.
Protected methodVisitApplicationPgpEncrypted Visit the application/pgp-encrypted MIME entity.
Protected methodVisitApplicationPgpSignature Visit the application/pgp-signature MIME entity.
Protected methodVisitApplicationPkcs7Mime Visit the application/pkcs7-mime MIME entity.
Protected methodVisitApplicationPkcs7Signature Visit the application/pkcs7-signature MIME entity.
Protected methodVisitBody Visit the body of the message.
Protected methodVisitChildren Visit the children of a Multipart.
Protected methodVisitMessage Visit the message contained within a message/rfc822 or message/news MIME entity.
Protected methodVisitMessageDeliveryStatus Visit the message/delivery-status MIME entity.
Protected methodVisitMessageDispositionNotification Visit the message/disposition-notification MIME entity.
Protected methodVisitMessageFeedbackReport Visit the message/feedback-report MIME entity.
Protected methodCode exampleVisitMessagePart Visit the message/rfc822 or message/news MIME entity.
Protected methodVisitMessagePartial Visit the message/partial MIME entity.
Protected methodVisitMimeEntity Visit the abstract MIME entity.
Protected methodVisitMimeMessage Visit the MIME message.
Protected methodCode exampleVisitMimePart Visit the abstract MIME part entity.
Protected methodVisitMultipart Visit the abstract multipart MIME entity.
Protected methodCode exampleVisitMultipartAlternative Visit the multipart/alternative MIME entity.
Protected methodVisitMultipartEncrypted Visit the multipart/encrypted MIME entity.
Protected methodCode exampleVisitMultipartRelated Visit the multipart/related MIME entity.
Protected methodCode exampleVisitMultipartReport Visit the multipart/report MIME entity.
Protected methodVisitMultipartSigned Visit the multipart/signed MIME entity.
Protected methodCode exampleVisitTextPart Visit the text-based MIME part entity.
Protected methodCode exampleVisitTextRfc822Headers Visit the text/rfc822-headers MIME entity.
Protected methodCode exampleVisitTnefPart Visit the Microsoft TNEF MIME part entity.
See Also