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IPop3Client Interface

An interface for a POP3 client.

Namespace: MailKit.Net.Pop3
Assembly: MailKit (in MailKit.dll) Version: 4.10.0
public interface IPop3Client : IMailSpool, 
	IMailService, IDisposable, IEnumerable<MimeMessage>, IEnumerable

The IPop3Client type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAuthenticationMechanisms Get the authentication mechanisms supported by the message service.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public propertyCode exampleCapabilities Gets the capabilities supported by the POP3 server.
Public propertyCheckCertificateRevocation Get or set whether connecting via SSL/TLS should check certificate revocation.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public propertyClientCertificates Get or set the client SSL certificates.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public propertyCount Get the number of messages available in the message spool.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public propertyCode exampleExpirePolicy Gets the expiration policy.
Public propertyImplementation Gets the implementation details of the server.
Public propertyIsAuthenticated Get whether or not the client is currently authenticated with the mail server.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public propertyIsConnected Get whether or not the service is currently connected.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public propertyIsEncrypted Get whether or not the connection is encrypted (typically via SSL or TLS).
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public propertyIsSecure Get whether or not the connection is secure (typically via SSL or TLS).
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public propertyIsSigned Get whether or not the connection is signed (typically via SSL or TLS).
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public propertyLocalEndPoint Get or set the local IP end point to use when connecting to a remote host.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public propertyCode exampleLoginDelay Gets the minimum delay, in milliseconds, between logins.
Public propertyCode exampleProxyClient Get or set the proxy client to use when connecting to a remote host.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public propertyCode exampleServerCertificateValidationCallback Get or set a callback function to validate the server certificate.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public propertySslCipherAlgorithm Get the negotiated SSL or TLS cipher algorithm.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public propertySslCipherStrength Get the negotiated SSL or TLS cipher algorithm strength.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public propertySslHashAlgorithm Get the negotiated SSL or TLS hash algorithm.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public propertySslHashStrength Get the negotiated SSL or TLS hash algorithm strength.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public propertySslKeyExchangeAlgorithm Get the negotiated SSL or TLS key exchange algorithm.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public propertySslKeyExchangeStrength Get the negotiated SSL or TLS key exchange algorithm strength.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public propertySslProtocol Get the negotiated SSL or TLS protocol version.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public propertySslProtocols Get or set the set of enabled SSL and/or TLS protocol versions that the client is allowed to use.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public propertySupportsUids Get whether or not the service supports referencing messages by UIDs.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public propertySyncRoot Get an object that can be used to synchronize access to the folder.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public propertyTimeout Get or set the timeout for network streaming operations, in milliseconds.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public methodAuthenticate(ICredentials, CancellationToken) Authenticate using the supplied credentials.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public methodAuthenticate(SaslMechanism, CancellationToken) Authenticate using the specified SASL mechanism.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public methodAuthenticate(Encoding, ICredentials, CancellationToken) Authenticate using the supplied credentials.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public methodCode exampleAuthenticate(String, String, CancellationToken) Authenticate using the specified user name and password.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public methodAuthenticate(Encoding, String, String, CancellationToken) Authenticate using the specified user name and password.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public methodAuthenticateAsync(ICredentials, CancellationToken) Asynchronously authenticate using the supplied credentials.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public methodAuthenticateAsync(SaslMechanism, CancellationToken) Asynchronously authenticate using the specified SASL mechanism.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public methodAuthenticateAsync(Encoding, ICredentials, CancellationToken) Asynchronously authenticate using the supplied credentials.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public methodAuthenticateAsync(String, String, CancellationToken) Asynchronously authenticate using the specified user name and password.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public methodAuthenticateAsync(Encoding, String, String, CancellationToken) Asynchronously authenticate using the specified user name and password.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public methodConnect(String, Int32, SecureSocketOptions, CancellationToken) Establish a connection to the specified mail server.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public methodConnect(String, Int32, Boolean, CancellationToken) Establish a connection to the specified mail server.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public methodConnect(Socket, String, Int32, SecureSocketOptions, CancellationToken) Establish a connection to the specified mail server using the provided socket.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public methodConnect(Stream, String, Int32, SecureSocketOptions, CancellationToken) Establish a connection to the specified mail server using the provided stream.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public methodConnectAsync(String, Int32, SecureSocketOptions, CancellationToken) Asynchronously establish a connection to the specified mail server.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public methodConnectAsync(String, Int32, Boolean, CancellationToken) Asynchronously establish a connection to the specified mail server.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public methodConnectAsync(Socket, String, Int32, SecureSocketOptions, CancellationToken) Asynchronously establish a connection to the specified mail server using the provided socket.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public methodConnectAsync(Stream, String, Int32, SecureSocketOptions, CancellationToken) Asynchronously establish a connection to the specified mail server using the provided stream.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public methodDeleteAllMessages Mark all messages for deletion.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodDeleteAllMessagesAsync Asynchronously mark all messages for deletion.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodDeleteMessage Mark the specified message for deletion.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodDeleteMessageAsync Asynchronously mark the specified message for deletion.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodDeleteMessages(IListInt32, CancellationToken) Mark the specified messages for deletion.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodDeleteMessages(Int32, Int32, CancellationToken) Mark the specified range of messages for deletion.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodDeleteMessagesAsync(IListInt32, CancellationToken) Asynchronously mark the specified messages for deletion.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodDeleteMessagesAsync(Int32, Int32, CancellationToken) Asynchronously mark the specified range of messages for deletion.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodDisconnect Disconnect the service.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public methodDisconnectAsync Asynchronously disconnect the service.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public methodDispose
(Inherited from IDisposable)
Public methodEnableUTF8 Enable UTF8 mode.
Public methodEnableUTF8Async Asynchronously enable UTF8 mode.
Public methodGetEnumerator
(Inherited from IEnumerableMimeMessage)
Public methodGetLanguages Get the list of languages supported by the POP3 server.
Public methodGetLanguagesAsync Asynchronously get the list of languages supported by the POP3 server.
Public methodGetMessage Get the message at the specified index.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetMessageAsync Asynchronously get the message at the specified index.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetMessageCount Get the message count.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetMessageCountAsync Asynchronously get the message count.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetMessageHeaders(IListInt32, CancellationToken) Get the headers for the specified messages.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetMessageHeaders(Int32, CancellationToken) Get the headers for the specified message.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetMessageHeaders(Int32, Int32, CancellationToken) Get the headers of the messages within the specified range.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetMessageHeadersAsync(IListInt32, CancellationToken) Asynchronously get the headers for the specified messages.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetMessageHeadersAsync(Int32, CancellationToken) Asynchronously get the headers for the specified message.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetMessageHeadersAsync(Int32, Int32, CancellationToken) Get the headers of the messages within the specified range.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetMessages(IListInt32, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get the messages at the specified indexes.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetMessages(Int32, Int32, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get the messages within the specified range.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetMessagesAsync(IListInt32, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get the messages at the specified indexes.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetMessagesAsync(Int32, Int32, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get the messages within the specified range.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetMessageSize Get the size of the specified message, in bytes.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetMessageSizeAsync Asynchronously get the size of the specified message, in bytes.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetMessageSizes Get the sizes for all available messages, in bytes.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetMessageSizesAsync Asynchronously get the sizes for all available messages, in bytes.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetMessageUid Get the UID of the message at the specified index.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetMessageUidAsync Asynchronously get the UID of the message at the specified index.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetMessageUids Get the full list of available message UIDs.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetMessageUidsAsync Asynchronously get the full list of available message UIDs.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetStream Get the message or header stream at the specified index.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetStreamAsync Asynchronously get the message or header stream at the specified index.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetStreams(IListInt32, Boolean, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get the message or header streams at the specified index.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetStreams(Int32, Int32, Boolean, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get the message or header streams within the specified range.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetStreamsAsync(IListInt32, Boolean, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get the message or header streams at the specified indexes.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodGetStreamsAsync(Int32, Int32, Boolean, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get the message or header streams within the specified range.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodNoOp Ping the message service to keep the connection alive.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public methodNoOpAsync Asynchronously ping the mail server to keep the connection alive.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public methodReset Reset the state of all messages marked for deletion.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodResetAsync Asynchronously reset the state of all messages marked for deletion.
(Inherited from IMailSpool)
Public methodSetLanguage Set the language used by the POP3 server for error messages.
Public methodSetLanguageAsync Asynchronously set the language used by the POP3 server for error messages.
Public eventAuthenticated Occurs when the client has been successfully authenticated.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public eventConnected Occurs when the client has been successfully connected.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Public eventDisconnected Occurs when the client has been disconnected.
(Inherited from IMailService)
Implemented by Pop3Client.
See Also