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SearchQuery Class

A specialized query for searching messages in a IMailFolder.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: MailKit.Search
Assembly: MailKit (in MailKit.dll) Version: 4.10.0
public class SearchQuery

The SearchQuery type exposes the following members.

Public methodSearchQuery Initializes a new instance of the SearchQuery class.
Protected methodSearchQuery(SearchTerm) Initializes a new instance of the SearchQuery class.
Public propertyTerm Get the search term used by the search query.
Public methodAnd(SearchQuery) Create a conditional AND operation.
Public methodStatic memberAnd(SearchQuery, SearchQuery) Create a conditional AND operation.
Public methodStatic memberAnnotationsContain Match messages with the specified annotation.
Public methodStatic memberBccContains Match messages where the Bcc header contains the specified text.
Public methodStatic memberBodyContains Match messages where the message body contains the specified text.
Public methodStatic memberCcContains Match messages where the Cc header contains the specified text.
Public methodStatic memberChangedSince Match messages that have mod-sequence values greater than or equal to the specified mod-sequence value.
Public methodStatic memberDeliveredAfter Match messages that were delivered after the specified date.
Public methodStatic memberDeliveredBefore Match messages that were delivered before the specified date.
Public methodStatic memberDeliveredOn Match messages that were delivered on the specified date.
Public methodEquals
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberFilter(MetadataTag) Match messages using a saved search filter.
Public methodStatic memberFilter(String) Match messages using a saved search filter.
Protected methodFinalize
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberFromContains Match messages where the From header contains the specified text.
Public methodStatic memberFuzzy Apply a fuzzy matching algorithm to the specified expression.
Public methodGetHashCode
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetType
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberGMailMessageId Match messages that have the specified GMail message identifier.
Public methodStatic memberGMailRawSearch Match messages using the GMail search expression.
Public methodStatic memberGMailThreadId Match messages belonging to the specified GMail thread.
Public methodStatic memberHasFlags Match messages that have the specified flags set.
Public methodStatic memberHasGMailLabel Match messages that have the specified GMail label.
Public methodStatic memberHasKeyword Match messages that have the specified keyword set.
Public methodStatic memberHasKeywords Match messages that have all of the specified keywords set.
Public methodStatic memberHeaderContains Match messages where the specified header contains the specified text.
Public methodStatic memberLargerThan Match messages that are larger than the specified number of octets.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberMessageContains Match messages that contain the specified text in either the header or the body.
Public methodStatic memberNot Create a logical negation of the specified expression.
Public methodStatic memberNotFlags Match messages that do not have any of the specified flags set.
Public methodStatic memberNotKeyword Match messages that do not have the specified keyword set.
Public methodStatic memberNotKeywords Match messages that do not have any of the specified keywords set.
Public methodStatic memberOlderThan Match messages older than the specified number of seconds.
Public methodOr(SearchQuery) Create a conditional OR operation.
Public methodStatic memberOr(SearchQuery, SearchQuery) Create a conditional OR operation.
Public methodStatic memberSavedBefore Match messages that were saved to the mailbox before the specified date.
Public methodStatic memberSavedOn Match messages that were saved to the mailbox on the specified date.
Public methodStatic memberSavedSince Match messages that were saved to the mailbox since the specified date.
Public methodStatic memberSentBefore Match messages that were sent before the specified date.
Public methodStatic memberSentOn Match messages that were sent on the specified date.
Public methodStatic memberSentSince Match messages that were sent since the specified date.
Public methodStatic memberSmallerThan Match messages that are smaller than the specified number of octets.
Public methodStatic memberSubjectContains Match messages where the Subject header contains the specified text.
Public methodStatic memberToContains Match messages where the To header contains the specified text.
Public methodToString
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberUids Limit the search query to messages with the specified unique identifiers.
Public methodStatic memberYoungerThan Match messages younger than the specified number of seconds.
Public fieldStatic memberAll Match all messages in the folder.
Public fieldStatic memberAnswered Match messages with the Answered flag set.
Public fieldStatic memberDeleted Match messages with the Deleted flag set.
Public fieldStatic memberDraft Match messages with the Draft flag set.
Public fieldStatic memberFlagged Match messages with the Flagged flag set.
Public fieldStatic memberNew Match messages with the Recent flag set but not the Seen.
Public fieldStatic memberNotAnswered Match messages that do not have the Answered flag set.
Public fieldStatic memberNotDeleted Match messages that do not have the Deleted flag set.
Public fieldStatic memberNotDraft Match messages that do not have the Draft flag set.
Public fieldStatic memberNotFlagged Match messages that do not have the Flagged flag set.
Public fieldStatic memberNotRecent Match messages that do not have the Recent flag set.
Public fieldStatic memberNotSeen Match messages that do not have the Seen flag set.
Public fieldStatic memberOld Match messages that do not have the Recent flag set.
Public fieldStatic memberRecent Match messages with the Recent flag set.
Public fieldStatic memberSaveDateSupported Match all messages in the mailbox when the underlying storage of that mailbox supports the save date attribute.
Public fieldStatic memberSeen Match messages with the Seen flag set.
A specialized query for searching messages in a IMailFolder.
See Also
Inheritance Hierarchy