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MimeParser Class

A MIME message and entity parser.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: MimeKit
Assembly: MimeKit (in MimeKit.dll) Version: 4.10.0
public class MimeParser : IMimeParser, IEnumerable<MimeMessage>, 

The MimeParser type exposes the following members.

Public methodMimeParser(Stream, Boolean) Initialize a new instance of the MimeParser class.
Public methodMimeParser(ParserOptions, Stream, Boolean) Initialize a new instance of the MimeParser class.
Public methodCode exampleMimeParser(Stream, MimeFormat, Boolean) Initialize a new instance of the MimeParser class.
Public methodMimeParser(ParserOptions, Stream, MimeFormat, Boolean) Initialize a new instance of the MimeParser class.
Public propertyCode exampleIsEndOfStream Get a value indicating whether the parser has reached the end of the input stream.
Public propertyCode exampleMboxMarker Get the most recent mbox marker.
Public propertyCode exampleMboxMarkerOffset Get the most recent mbox marker offset.
Public propertyOptions Get or set the parser options.
Public propertyPosition Get the current position of the parser within the stream.
Public methodEquals
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalize
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetEnumerator Enumerate the messages in the stream.
Public methodGetHashCode
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetType
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodOnMimeEntityBegin Invoked when the parser begins parsing a MimeEntity.
Protected methodOnMimeEntityEnd Invoked when the parser has completed parsing a MimeEntity.
Protected methodOnMimeMessageBegin Invoked when the parser begins parsing a MimeMessage.
Protected methodOnMimeMessageEnd Invoked when the parser has completed parsing a MimeMessage.
Public methodParseEntity Parse an entity from the stream.
Public methodParseEntityAsync Asynchronously parse an entity from the stream.
Public methodParseHeaders Parse a list of headers from the stream.
Public methodParseHeadersAsync Asynchronously parse a list of headers from the stream.
Public methodCode exampleParseMessage Parse a message from the stream.
Public methodParseMessageAsync Asynchronously parse a message from the stream.
Public methodSetStream(Stream, MimeFormat) Set the stream to parse.
Public methodSetStream(Stream, Boolean) Set the stream to parse.
Public methodSetStream(ParserOptions, Stream, Boolean)Obsolete.
Set the stream to parse.
Public methodSetStream(Stream, MimeFormat, Boolean) Set the stream to parse.
Public methodSetStream(ParserOptions, Stream, MimeFormat, Boolean)Obsolete.
Set the stream to parse.
Public methodToString
(Inherited from Object)
Public eventCode exampleMimeEntityBegin An event signifying the beginning of a new MimeEntity has been encountered.
Public eventCode exampleMimeEntityEnd An event signifying the end of a MimeEntity has been encountered.
Public eventCode exampleMimeMessageBegin An event signifying the beginning of a new MimeMessage has been encountered.
Public eventCode exampleMimeMessageEnd An event signifying the end of a MimeMessage has been encountered.
A MIME parser is used to parse MimeMessage and MimeEntity objects from arbitrary streams.
See Also