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TnefComplianceStatus Enumeration

A bitfield of potential TNEF compliance issues.

Namespace: MimeKit.Tnef
Assembly: MimeKit (in MimeKit.dll) Version: 4.10.0
public enum TnefComplianceStatus
Member nameValueDescription
Compliant0 The TNEF stream has no errors.
AttributeOverflow1 The TNEF stream has too many attributes.
InvalidAttribute2 The TNEF stream has one or more invalid attributes.
InvalidAttributeChecksum4 The TNEF stream has one or more attributes with invalid checksums.
InvalidAttributeLength8 The TNEF stream has one or more attributes with an invalid length.
InvalidAttributeLevel16 The TNEF stream has one or more attributes with an invalid level.
InvalidAttributeValue32 The TNEF stream has one or more attributes with an invalid value.
InvalidDate64 The TNEF stream has one or more attributes with an invalid date value.
InvalidMessageClass128 The TNEF stream has one or more invalid MessageClass attributes.
InvalidMessageCodepage256 The TNEF stream has one or more invalid MessageCodepage attributes.
InvalidPropertyLength512 The TNEF stream has one or more invalid property lengths.
InvalidRowCount1,024 The TNEF stream has one or more invalid row counts.
InvalidTnefSignature2,048 The TNEF stream has an invalid signature value.
InvalidTnefVersion4,096 The TNEF stream has an invalid version value.
NestingTooDeep8,192 The TNEF stream is nested too deeply.
StreamTruncated16,384 The TNEF stream is truncated.
UnsupportedPropertyType32,768 The TNEF stream has one or more unsupported property types.
A bitfield of potential TNEF compliance issues.
See Also