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TnefPropertyType Enumeration

The type of value that a TNEF property contains.

Namespace: MimeKit.Tnef
Assembly: MimeKit (in MimeKit.dll) Version: 4.10.0
public enum TnefPropertyType
Member nameValueDescription
Unspecified0 The type of the property is unspecified.
Null1 The property has a null value.
I22 The property has a signed 16-bit value.
Long3 The property has a signed 32-bit value.
R44 The property has a 32-bit floating point value.
Double5 The property has a 64-bit floating point value.
Currency6 The property has a 64-bit integer value representing 1/10000th of a monetary unit (i.e., 1/100th of a cent).
AppTime7 The property has a 64-bit integer value specifying the number of 100ns periods since Jan 1, 1601.
Error10 The property has a 32-bit error value.
Boolean11 The property has a boolean value.
Object13 The property has an embedded object value.
I820 The property has a signed 64-bit value.
String830 The property has a null-terminated 8-bit character string value.
Unicode31 The property has a null-terminated unicode character string value.
SysTime64 The property has a 64-bit integer value specifying the number of 100ns periods since Jan 1, 1601.
ClassId72 The property has an OLE GUID value.
Binary258 The property has a binary blob value.
MultiValued4,096 A flag indicating that the property contains multiple values.
The type of value that a TNEF property contains.
See Also