| MessageSummary Properties |
The MessageSummary type exposes the following members.
Properties | Name | Description |
 | Annotations |
Gets the message annotations, if available.
  | Attachments |
Gets the attachments.
 | Body |
Gets the body structure of the message, if available.
 | BodyParts |
Gets the body parts of the message.
 | Date |
Gets the Date header value.
 | EmailId |
Get the globally unique identifier for the message, if available.
 | Envelope |
Gets the envelope of the message, if available.
 | Fields |
Get a bitmask of fields that have been populated.
 | Flags |
Gets the message flags, if available.
 | Folder |
Get the folder that the message belongs to.
 | GMailLabels |
Gets the list of GMail labels, if available.
 | GMailMessageId |
Gets the GMail message identifier, if available.
 | GMailThreadId |
Gets the GMail thread identifier, if available.
 | Headers |
Gets the list of headers, if available.
  | HtmlBody |
Gets the html body part of the message if it exists.
 | Index |
Gets the index of the message.
 | InternalDate |
Gets the internal date of the message (i.e. the "received" date), if available.
 | IsReply |
Gets whether or not the message is a reply.
 | Keywords |
Gets the user-defined message flags, if available.
 | ModSeq |
Gets the mod-sequence value for the message, if available.
 | NormalizedSubject |
Gets the normalized subject.
 | PreviewText |
Gets the preview text of the message.
 | References |
Gets the message-ids that the message references, if available.
 | SaveDate |
Gets the date and time that the message was saved to the current mailbox, if available.
 | Size |
Gets the size of the message, in bytes, if available.
  | TextBody |
Gets the text body part of the message if it exists.
 | ThreadId |
Get the globally unique thread identifier for the message, if available.
 | UniqueId |
Gets the unique identifier of the message, if available.
See Also