Member name | Value | Description |
None | 0 |
The server does not support any additional extensions.
IMAP4 | 1 |
The server implements the core IMAP4 commands.
IMAP4rev1 | 2 |
The server implements the core IMAP4rev1 commands.
IMAP4rev2 | 4 |
The server implements the core IMAP4rev2 commands described in rfc9051.
Status | 8 |
The server supports the STATUS command.
Acl | 16 |
The server supports the ACL extension defined in rfc2086
and rfc4314.
Quota | 32 |
The server supports the QUOTA extension.
LiteralPlus | 64 |
The server supports the LITERAL+ extension.
Idle | 128 |
The server supports the IDLE extension.
MailboxReferrals | 256 |
The server supports the MAILBOX-REFERRALS extension.
LoginReferrals | 512 |
the server supports the LOGIN-REFERRALS extension.
Namespace | 1,024 |
The server supports the NAMESPACE extension.
Id | 2,048 |
The server supports the ID extension.
Children | 4,096 |
The server supports the CHILDREN extension.
LoginDisabled | 8,192 |
The server supports the LOGINDISABLED extension.
StartTLS | 16,384 |
The server supports the STARTTLS extension.
MultiAppend | 32,768 |
The server supports the MULTIAPPEND extension.
Binary | 65,536 |
The server supports the BINARY content extension.
Unselect | 131,072 |
The server supports the UNSELECT extension.
UidPlus | 262,144 |
The server supports the UIDPLUS extension.
Catenate | 524,288 |
The server supports the CATENATE extension.
CondStore | 1,048,576 |
The server supports the CONDSTORE extension.
ESearch | 2,097,152 |
The server supports the ESEARCH extension.
SaslIR | 4,194,304 |
The server supports the SASL-IR extension.
Compress | 8,388,608 |
The server supports the COMPRESS extension.
Within | 16,777,216 |
The server supports the WITHIN extension.
Enable | 33,554,432 |
The server supports the ENABLE extension.
QuickResync | 67,108,864 |
The server supports the QRESYNC extension.
SearchResults | 134,217,728 |
The server supports the SEARCHRES extension.
Sort | 268,435,456 |
The server supports the SORT extension.
Thread | 536,870,912 |
The server supports the THREAD extension.
Annotate | 1,073,741,824 |
The server supports the ANNOTATE extension.
ListExtended | 2,147,483,648 |
The server supports the LIST-EXTENDED extension.
Convert | 4,294,967,296 |
The server supports the CONVERT extension.
Language | 8,589,934,592 |
The server supports the LANGUAGE extension.
I18NLevel | 17,179,869,184 |
The server supports the I18NLEVEL extension.
ESort | 34,359,738,368 |
The server supports the ESORT extension.
Context | 68,719,476,736 |
The server supports the CONTEXT extension.
Metadata | 137,438,953,472 |
The server supports the METADATA extension.
MetadataServer | 274,877,906,944 |
The server supports the METADATA-SERVER extension.
Notify | 549,755,813,888 |
The server supports the NOTIFY extension.
Filters | 1,099,511,627,776 |
The server supports the FILTERS extension.
ListStatus | 2,199,023,255,552 |
The server supports the LIST-STATUS extension.
SortDisplay | 4,398,046,511,104 |
The server supports the SORT=DISPLAY extension.
CreateSpecialUse | 8,796,093,022,208 |
The server supports the CREATE-SPECIAL-USE extension.
SpecialUse | 17,592,186,044,416 |
The server supports the SPECIAL-USE extension.
FuzzySearch | 35,184,372,088,832 |
The server supports the SEARCH=FUZZY extension.
MultiSearch | 70,368,744,177,664 |
The server supports the MULTISEARCH extension.
Move | 140,737,488,355,328 |
The server supports the MOVE extension.
UTF8Accept | 281,474,976,710,656 |
The server supports the UTF8=ACCEPT extension.
UTF8Only | 562,949,953,421,312 |
The server supports the UTF8=ONLY extension.
LiteralMinus | 1,125,899,906,842,624 |
The server supports the LITERAL- extension.
AppendLimit | 2,251,799,813,685,248 |
The server supports the APPENDLIMIT extension.
Unauthenticate | 4,503,599,627,370,496 |
The server supports the UNAUTHENTICATE extension.
StatusSize | 9,007,199,254,740,992 |
The server supports the STATUS=SIZE extension.
ListMyRights | 18,014,398,509,481,984 |
The server supports the LIST-MYRIGHTS extension.
ObjectID | 36,028,797,018,963,968 |
The server supports the OBJECTID extension.
Replace | 72,057,594,037,927,936 |
The server supports the REPLACE extension.
SaveDate | 144,115,188,075,855,872 |
The server supports the SAVEDATE extension.
Preview | 288,230,376,151,711,744 |
The server supports the PREVIEW extension.
XList | 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 |
The server supports the XLIST extension (GMail).
GMailExt1 | 2,305,843,009,213,693,952 |
The server supports the X-GM-EXT1 extension (GMail).