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IImapFolder Interface

An interface for an IMAP folder.

Namespace: MailKit.Net.Imap
Assembly: MailKit (in MailKit.dll) Version: 4.10.0
public interface IImapFolder : IMailFolder, 
	IEnumerable<MimeMessage>, IEnumerable

The IImapFolder type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAcceptedFlags Get the accepted flags.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyAcceptedKeywords Get the accepted keywords.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyAccess Get the read/write access of the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyAnnotationAccess Get the annotation access level.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyAnnotationScopes Get the supported annotation scopes.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyAppendLimit Get the maximum size of a message that can be appended to the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyAttributes Get the folder attributes.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyCanOpen Get whether or not the folder can be opened.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyCode exampleCount Get the total number of messages in the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyDirectorySeparator Get the directory separator.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyExists Get whether or not the folder exists.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyFirstUnread Get the index of the first unread message in the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyFullName Get the full name of the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyHighestModSeq Get the highest mod-sequence value of all messages in the mailbox.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyId Get the unique identifier for the folder, if available.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyIsNamespace Get whether or not the folder is a namespace folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyIsOpen Get whether or not the folder is currently open.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyIsSubscribed Get whether or not the folder is subscribed.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyMaxAnnotationSize Get the maximum size of annotation values supported by the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyName Get the name of the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyParentFolder Get the parent folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyPermanentFlags Get the permanent flags.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyPermanentKeywords Get the permanent keywords.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyRecent Get the number of recently delivered messages in the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertySize Get the size of the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertySyncRoot Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyThreadingAlgorithms Get the threading algorithms supported by the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyUidNext Get the UID that the next message that is added to the folder will be assigned.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyUidValidity Get the Unique ID validity.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public propertyUnread Get the number of unread messages in the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodAddAccessRights Add access rights for the specified identity.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodAddAccessRightsAsync Asynchronously add access rights for the specified identity.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodAppend(IAppendRequest, CancellationToken) Append a message to the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodAppend(IListIAppendRequest, CancellationToken) Append multiple messages to the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodAppend(FormatOptions, IAppendRequest, CancellationToken) Append a message to the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodAppend(FormatOptions, IListIAppendRequest, CancellationToken) Append multiple messages to the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodAppendAsync(IAppendRequest, CancellationToken) Asynchronously append a message to the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodAppendAsync(IListIAppendRequest, CancellationToken) Asynchronously append multiple messages to the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodAppendAsync(FormatOptions, IAppendRequest, CancellationToken) Asynchronously append a message to the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodAppendAsync(FormatOptions, IListIAppendRequest, CancellationToken) Asynchronously append multiple messages to the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCheck Force the server to flush its state for the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCheckAsync Asynchronously force the server to flush its state for the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodClose Close the folder, optionally expunging the messages marked for deletion.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCloseAsync Asynchronously close the folder, optionally expunging the messages marked for deletion.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCopyTo(IListUniqueId, IMailFolder, CancellationToken) Copy the specified messages to the destination folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCopyTo(IListInt32, IMailFolder, CancellationToken) Copy the specified messages to the destination folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCopyTo(Int32, IMailFolder, CancellationToken) Copy the specified message to the destination folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCopyTo(UniqueId, IMailFolder, CancellationToken) Copy the specified message to the destination folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCopyToAsync(IListUniqueId, IMailFolder, CancellationToken) Asynchronously copy the specified messages to the destination folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCopyToAsync(IListInt32, IMailFolder, CancellationToken) Asynchronously copy the specified messages to the destination folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCopyToAsync(Int32, IMailFolder, CancellationToken) Asynchronously copy the specified message to the destination folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCopyToAsync(UniqueId, IMailFolder, CancellationToken) Asynchronously copy the specified message to the destination folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCreate(String, SpecialFolder, CancellationToken) Create a new subfolder with the given name.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCreate(String, Boolean, CancellationToken) Create a new subfolder with the given name.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCreate(String, IEnumerableSpecialFolder, CancellationToken) Create a new subfolder with the given name.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCreateAsync(String, SpecialFolder, CancellationToken) Asynchronously create a new subfolder with the given name.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCreateAsync(String, Boolean, CancellationToken) Asynchronously create a new subfolder with the given name.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCreateAsync(String, IEnumerableSpecialFolder, CancellationToken) Asynchronously create a new subfolder with the given name.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodDelete Delete the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodDeleteAsync Asynchronously delete the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodExpunge(CancellationToken) Expunge the folder, permanently removing all messages marked for deletion.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodExpunge(IListUniqueId, CancellationToken) Expunge the specified uids, permanently removing them from the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodExpungeAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously expunge the folder, permanently removing all messages marked for deletion.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodExpungeAsync(IListUniqueId, CancellationToken) Asynchronously expunge the specified uids, permanently removing them from the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCode exampleFetch(IListUniqueId, IFetchRequest, CancellationToken) Fetch the message summaries for the specified message UIDs.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodFetch(IListInt32, IFetchRequest, CancellationToken) Fetch the message summaries for the specified message indexes.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodFetch(Int32, Int32, IFetchRequest, CancellationToken) Fetch the message summaries for the messages between the two indexes, inclusive.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodFetchAsync(IListUniqueId, IFetchRequest, CancellationToken) Asynchronously fetch the message summaries for the specified message UIDs.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodFetchAsync(IListInt32, IFetchRequest, CancellationToken) Asynchronously fetch the message summaries for the specified message indexes.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodFetchAsync(Int32, Int32, IFetchRequest, CancellationToken) Asynchronously fetch the message summaries for the messages between the two indexes, inclusive.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetAccessControlList Get the complete access control list for the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetAccessControlListAsync Asynchronously get the complete access control list for the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetAccessRights Get the access rights for a particular identifier.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetAccessRightsAsync Asynchronously get the access rights for a particular identifier.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetBodyPart(Int32, BodyPart, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get the specified body part.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetBodyPart(Int32, String, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get the specified body part.
Public methodCode exampleGetBodyPart(UniqueId, BodyPart, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get the specified body part.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetBodyPart(UniqueId, String, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get the specified body part.
Public methodGetBodyPartAsync(Int32, BodyPart, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get the specified body part.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetBodyPartAsync(Int32, String, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get the specified body part.
Public methodCode exampleGetBodyPartAsync(UniqueId, BodyPart, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get the specified body part.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetBodyPartAsync(UniqueId, String, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get the specified body part.
Public methodGetEnumerator
(Inherited from IEnumerableMimeMessage)
Public methodGetHeaders(Int32, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get the specified message headers.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetHeaders(UniqueId, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get the specified message headers.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetHeaders(Int32, BodyPart, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get the specified body part headers.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetHeaders(Int32, String, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get the specified body part headers.
Public methodGetHeaders(UniqueId, BodyPart, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get the specified body part headers.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetHeaders(UniqueId, String, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get the specified body part headers.
Public methodGetHeadersAsync(Int32, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get the specified message headers.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetHeadersAsync(UniqueId, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get the specified message headers.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetHeadersAsync(Int32, BodyPart, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get the specified body part headers.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetHeadersAsync(Int32, String, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get the specified body part headers.
Public methodGetHeadersAsync(UniqueId, BodyPart, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get the specified body part headers.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetHeadersAsync(UniqueId, String, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get the specified body part headers.
Public methodCode exampleGetMessage(Int32, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get the specified message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCode exampleGetMessage(UniqueId, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get the specified message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCode exampleGetMessageAsync(Int32, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get the specified message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCode exampleGetMessageAsync(UniqueId, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get the specified message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetMetadata(IEnumerableMetadataTag, CancellationToken) Gets the specified metadata.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetMetadata(MetadataTag, CancellationToken) Gets the specified metadata.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetMetadata(MetadataOptions, IEnumerableMetadataTag, CancellationToken) Gets the specified metadata.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetMetadataAsync(IEnumerableMetadataTag, CancellationToken) Asynchronously gets the specified metadata.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetMetadataAsync(MetadataTag, CancellationToken) Asynchronously gets the specified metadata.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetMetadataAsync(MetadataOptions, IEnumerableMetadataTag, CancellationToken) Asynchronously gets the specified metadata.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetMyAccessRights Get the access rights for the current authenticated user.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetMyAccessRightsAsync Asynchronously get the access rights for the current authenticated user.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetQuota Get the quota information for the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetQuotaAsync Asynchronously get the quota information for the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCode exampleGetStream(Int32, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get a message stream.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCode exampleGetStream(UniqueId, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get a message stream.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetStream(Int32, BodyPart, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get a body part as a stream.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetStream(Int32, String, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get a substream of the specified message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCode exampleGetStream(UniqueId, BodyPart, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get a body part as a stream.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCode exampleGetStream(UniqueId, String, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get a substream of the specified message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetStream(Int32, Int32, Int32, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get a substream of the specified message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetStream(UniqueId, Int32, Int32, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get a substream of the specified message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetStream(Int32, BodyPart, Int32, Int32, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get a substream of the specified body part.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetStream(Int32, String, Int32, Int32, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get a substream of the specified message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetStream(UniqueId, BodyPart, Int32, Int32, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get a substream of the specified body part.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetStream(UniqueId, String, Int32, Int32, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get a substream of the specified message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCode exampleGetStreamAsync(Int32, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get a message stream.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCode exampleGetStreamAsync(UniqueId, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get a message stream.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetStreamAsync(Int32, BodyPart, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get a body part as a stream.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetStreamAsync(Int32, String, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get a substream of the specified message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCode exampleGetStreamAsync(UniqueId, BodyPart, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get a body part as a stream.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodCode exampleGetStreamAsync(UniqueId, String, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get a substream of the specified message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetStreamAsync(Int32, Int32, Int32, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get a substream of the specified message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetStreamAsync(UniqueId, Int32, Int32, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get a substream of the specified message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetStreamAsync(Int32, BodyPart, Int32, Int32, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get a substream of the specified body part.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetStreamAsync(Int32, String, Int32, Int32, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get a substream of the specified message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetStreamAsync(UniqueId, BodyPart, Int32, Int32, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get a substream of the specified body part.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetStreamAsync(UniqueId, String, Int32, Int32, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get a substream of the specified message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetStreams(IListUniqueId, ImapFetchStreamCallback, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get the streams for the specified messages.
Public methodGetStreams(IListInt32, ImapFetchStreamCallback, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get the streams for the specified messages.
Public methodGetStreams(Int32, Int32, ImapFetchStreamCallback, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Get the streams for the specified messages.
Public methodGetStreamsAsync(IListUniqueId, ImapFetchStreamAsyncCallback, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get the streams for the specified messages.
Public methodGetStreamsAsync(IListInt32, ImapFetchStreamAsyncCallback, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get the streams for the specified messages.
Public methodGetStreamsAsync(Int32, Int32, ImapFetchStreamAsyncCallback, CancellationToken, ITransferProgress) Asynchronously get the streams for the specified messages.
Public methodGetSubfolder Get the specified subfolder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetSubfolderAsync Asynchronously get the specified subfolder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetSubfolders(Boolean, CancellationToken) Get the subfolders.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetSubfolders(StatusItems, Boolean, CancellationToken) Get the subfolders.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetSubfoldersAsync(Boolean, CancellationToken) Asynchronously get the subfolders.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodGetSubfoldersAsync(StatusItems, Boolean, CancellationToken) Asynchronously get the subfolders.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodMoveTo(IListUniqueId, IMailFolder, CancellationToken) Move the specified messages to the destination folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodMoveTo(IListInt32, IMailFolder, CancellationToken) Move the specified messages to the destination folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodMoveTo(Int32, IMailFolder, CancellationToken) Move the specified message to the destination folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodMoveTo(UniqueId, IMailFolder, CancellationToken) Move the specified message to the destination folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodMoveToAsync(IListUniqueId, IMailFolder, CancellationToken) Asynchronously move the specified messages to the destination folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodMoveToAsync(IListInt32, IMailFolder, CancellationToken) Asynchronously move the specified messages to the destination folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodMoveToAsync(Int32, IMailFolder, CancellationToken) Asynchronously move the specified message to the destination folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodMoveToAsync(UniqueId, IMailFolder, CancellationToken) Asynchronously move the specified message to the destination folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodOpen(FolderAccess, CancellationToken) Open the folder using the requested folder access.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodOpen(FolderAccess, UInt32, UInt64, IListUniqueId, CancellationToken) Opens the folder using the requested folder access.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodOpenAsync(FolderAccess, CancellationToken) Asynchronously open the folder using the requested folder access.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodOpenAsync(FolderAccess, UInt32, UInt64, IListUniqueId, CancellationToken) Asynchronously opens the folder using the requested folder access.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodRemoveAccess Remove all access rights for the given identity.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodRemoveAccessAsync Asynchronously remove all access rights for the given identity.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodRemoveAccessRights Remove access rights for the specified identity.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodRemoveAccessRightsAsync Asynchronously remove access rights for the specified identity.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodRename Rename the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodRenameAsync Asynchronously rename the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodReplace(Int32, IReplaceRequest, CancellationToken) Replace a message in the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodReplace(UniqueId, IReplaceRequest, CancellationToken) Replace a message in the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodReplace(FormatOptions, UniqueId, IReplaceRequest, CancellationToken) Replace a message in the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodReplace(FormatOptions, Int32, IReplaceRequest, CancellationToken) Replace a message in the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodReplaceAsync(Int32, IReplaceRequest, CancellationToken) Asynchronously replace a message in the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodReplaceAsync(UniqueId, IReplaceRequest, CancellationToken) Asynchronously replace a message in the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodReplaceAsync(FormatOptions, UniqueId, IReplaceRequest, CancellationToken) Asynchronously replace a message in the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodReplaceAsync(FormatOptions, Int32, IReplaceRequest, CancellationToken) Asynchronously replace a message in the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodSearch(SearchQuery, CancellationToken) Search the folder for messages matching the specified query.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodSearch(String, CancellationToken) Search the folder for messages matching the specified query.
Public methodSearch(IListUniqueId, SearchQuery, CancellationToken) Search the subset of UIDs in the folder for messages matching the specified query.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodSearch(SearchOptions, SearchQuery, CancellationToken) Search the folder for messages matching the specified query.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodSearch(SearchOptions, IListUniqueId, SearchQuery, CancellationToken) Search the subset of UIDs in the folder for messages matching the specified query.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodSearchAsync(SearchQuery, CancellationToken) Asynchronously search the folder for messages matching the specified query.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodSearchAsync(String, CancellationToken) Asynchronously search the folder for messages matching the specified query.
Public methodSearchAsync(IListUniqueId, SearchQuery, CancellationToken) Asynchronously search the subset of UIDs in the folder for messages matching the specified query.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodSearchAsync(SearchOptions, SearchQuery, CancellationToken) Asynchronously search the folder for messages matching the specified query.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodSearchAsync(SearchOptions, IListUniqueId, SearchQuery, CancellationToken) Asynchronously search the subset of UIDs in the folder for messages matching the specified query.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodSetAccessRights Set the access rights for the specified identity.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodSetAccessRightsAsync Asynchronously set the access rights for the specified identity.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodSetMetadata Sets the specified metadata.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodSetMetadataAsync Asynchronously sets the specified metadata.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodSetQuota Set the quota limits for the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodSetQuotaAsync Asynchronously set the quota limits for the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodSort(String, CancellationToken) Sort messages matching the specified query.
Public methodSort(SearchQuery, IListOrderBy, CancellationToken) Sort messages matching the specified query.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodSort(IListUniqueId, SearchQuery, IListOrderBy, CancellationToken) Sort messages matching the specified query.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodSort(SearchOptions, SearchQuery, IListOrderBy, CancellationToken) Sort messages matching the specified query.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodSort(SearchOptions, IListUniqueId, SearchQuery, IListOrderBy, CancellationToken) Sort messages matching the specified query.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodSortAsync(String, CancellationToken) Asynchronously sort messages matching the specified query.
Public methodSortAsync(SearchQuery, IListOrderBy, CancellationToken) Asynchronously sort messages matching the specified query.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodSortAsync(IListUniqueId, SearchQuery, IListOrderBy, CancellationToken) Asynchronously sort messages matching the specified query.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodSortAsync(SearchOptions, SearchQuery, IListOrderBy, CancellationToken) Asynchronously sort messages matching the specified query.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodSortAsync(SearchOptions, IListUniqueId, SearchQuery, IListOrderBy, CancellationToken) Asynchronously sort messages matching the specified query.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStatus Update the values of the specified items.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStatusAsync Asynchronously update the values of the specified items.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStore(IListUniqueId, IStoreFlagsRequest, CancellationToken) Store message flags and keywords for a set of messages.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStore(IListUniqueId, IStoreLabelsRequest, CancellationToken) Store GMail-style labels for a set of messages.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStore(IListUniqueId, IListAnnotation, CancellationToken) Store the annotations for the specified messages.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStore(IListInt32, IStoreFlagsRequest, CancellationToken) Store message flags and keywords for a set of messages.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStore(IListInt32, IStoreLabelsRequest, CancellationToken) Store GMail-style labels for a set of messages.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStore(IListInt32, IListAnnotation, CancellationToken) Store the annotations for the specified messages.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStore(Int32, IStoreFlagsRequest, CancellationToken) Store message flags and keywords for a message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStore(Int32, IStoreLabelsRequest, CancellationToken) Store GMail-style labels for a message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStore(Int32, IListAnnotation, CancellationToken) Store the annotations for the specified message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStore(UniqueId, IStoreFlagsRequest, CancellationToken) Store message flags and keywords for a message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStore(UniqueId, IStoreLabelsRequest, CancellationToken) Store GMail-style labels for a message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStore(UniqueId, IListAnnotation, CancellationToken) Store the annotations for the specified message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStore(IListUniqueId, UInt64, IListAnnotation, CancellationToken) Store the annotations for the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStore(IListInt32, UInt64, IListAnnotation, CancellationToken) Store the annotations for the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStoreAsync(IListUniqueId, IStoreFlagsRequest, CancellationToken) Asynchronously store message flags and keywords for a set of messages.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStoreAsync(IListUniqueId, IStoreLabelsRequest, CancellationToken) Asynchronously store GMail-style labels for a set of messages.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStoreAsync(IListUniqueId, IListAnnotation, CancellationToken) Asynchronously store the annotations for the specified messages.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStoreAsync(IListInt32, IStoreFlagsRequest, CancellationToken) Asynchronously store message flags and keywords for a set of messages.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStoreAsync(IListInt32, IStoreLabelsRequest, CancellationToken) Asynchronously store GMail-style labels for a set of messages.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStoreAsync(IListInt32, IListAnnotation, CancellationToken) Asynchronously store the annotations for the specified messages.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStoreAsync(Int32, IStoreFlagsRequest, CancellationToken) Asynchronously store message flags and keywords for a message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStoreAsync(Int32, IStoreLabelsRequest, CancellationToken) Asynchronously store GMail-style labels for a message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStoreAsync(Int32, IListAnnotation, CancellationToken) Asynchronously store the annotations for the specified message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStoreAsync(UniqueId, IStoreFlagsRequest, CancellationToken) Asynchronously store message flags and keywords for a message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStoreAsync(UniqueId, IStoreLabelsRequest, CancellationToken) Asynchronously store GMail-style labels for a message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStoreAsync(UniqueId, IListAnnotation, CancellationToken) Asynchronously store the annotations for the specified message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStoreAsync(IListUniqueId, UInt64, IListAnnotation, CancellationToken) Asynchronously store the annotations for the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodStoreAsync(IListInt32, UInt64, IListAnnotation, CancellationToken) Asynchronously store the annotations for the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodSubscribe Subscribe to the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodSubscribeAsync Asynchronously subscribe to the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodSupports Determine whether or not an IMailFolder supports a feature.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodThread(ThreadingAlgorithm, SearchQuery, CancellationToken) Thread the messages in the folder that match the search query using the specified threading algorithm.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodThread(IListUniqueId, ThreadingAlgorithm, SearchQuery, CancellationToken) Thread the messages in the folder that match the search query using the specified threading algorithm.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodThreadAsync(ThreadingAlgorithm, SearchQuery, CancellationToken) Asynchronously thread the messages in the folder that match the search query using the specified threading algorithm.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodThreadAsync(IListUniqueId, ThreadingAlgorithm, SearchQuery, CancellationToken) Asynchronously thread the messages in the folder that match the search query using the specified threading algorithm.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodUnsubscribe Unsubscribe from the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public methodUnsubscribeAsync Asynchronously unsubscribe from the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public eventAnnotationsChanged Occurs when annotations changed on a message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public eventClosed Occurs when the folder is closed.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public eventCode exampleCountChanged Occurs when the message count changes.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public eventDeleted Occurs when the folder is deleted.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public eventHighestModSeqChanged Occurs when the highest mod-sequence changes.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public eventIdChanged Occurs when the ID changes.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public eventCode exampleMessageExpunged Occurs when a message is expunged from the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public eventCode exampleMessageFlagsChanged Occurs when flags changed on a message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public eventMessageLabelsChanged Occurs when labels changed on a message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public eventMessageSummaryFetched Occurs when a message summary is fetched from the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public eventMessagesVanished Occurs when messages vanish from the folder.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public eventMetadataChanged Occurs when metadata changes.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public eventModSeqChanged Occurs when the mod-sequence changed on a message.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public eventOpened Occurs when the folder is opened.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public eventRecentChanged Occurs when the recent message count changes.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public eventRenamed Occurs when the folder is renamed.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public eventSizeChanged Occurs when the size of the folder changes.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public eventSubscribed Occurs when the folder is subscribed.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public eventUidNextChanged Occurs when the next UID changes.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public eventUidValidityChanged Occurs when the UID validity changes.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public eventUnreadChanged Occurs when the message unread count changes.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Public eventUnsubscribed Occurs when the folder is unsubscribed.
(Inherited from IMailFolder)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAddFlags Add a set of flags to the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddFlags Add a set of flags to the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddFlags Add a set of flags to the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddFlags Add a set of flags to the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddFlags Add a set of flags to the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddFlags Add a set of flags to the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddFlags Add a set of flags to the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddFlags Add a set of flags to the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddFlags Add a set of flags to the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddFlags Add a set of flags to the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddFlags Add a set of flags to the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddFlags Add a set of flags to the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddFlagsAsync Asynchronously add a set of flags to the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddFlagsAsync Asynchronously add a set of flags to the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddFlagsAsync Asynchronously add a set of flags to the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddFlagsAsync Asynchronously add a set of flags to the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddFlagsAsync Asynchronously add a set of flags to the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddFlagsAsync Asynchronously add a set of flags to the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddFlagsAsync Asynchronously add a set of flags to the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddFlagsAsync Asynchronously add a set of flags to the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddFlagsAsync Asynchronously add a set of flags to the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddFlagsAsync Asynchronously add a set of flags to the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddFlagsAsync Asynchronously add a set of flags to the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddFlagsAsync Asynchronously add a set of flags to the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddLabels Add a set of labels to the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddLabels Add a set of labels to the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddLabels Add a set of labels to the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddLabels Add a set of labels to the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddLabels Add a set of labels to the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddLabels Add a set of labels to the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddLabelsAsync Asynchronously add a set of labels to the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddLabelsAsync Asynchronously add a set of labels to the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddLabelsAsync Asynchronously add a set of labels to the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddLabelsAsync Asynchronously add a set of labels to the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddLabelsAsync Asynchronously add a set of labels to the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAddLabelsAsync Asynchronously add a set of labels to the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAppend Append the specified messages to the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAppend Append the specified message to the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAppend Append the specified message to the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAppend Append the specified messages to the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAppend Append the specified messages to the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAppend Append the specified message to the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAppend Append the specified message to the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAppend Append the specified messages to the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAppend Append the specified message to the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAppend Append the specified message to the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAppendAsync Asynchronously append the specified messages to the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAppendAsync Asynchronously append the specified message to the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAppendAsync Asynchronously append the specified message to the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAppendAsync Asynchronously append the specified messages to the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAppendAsync Asynchronously append the specified messages to the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAppendAsync Asynchronously append the specified message to the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAppendAsync Asynchronously append the specified message to the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAppendAsync Asynchronously append the specified messages to the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAppendAsync Asynchronously append the specified message to the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAppendAsync Asynchronously append the specified message to the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleFetch Fetch the message summaries for the specified message UIDs.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetch Fetch the message summaries for the specified message indexes.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetch Fetch the message summaries for the specified message UIDs.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetch Fetch the message summaries for the specified message UIDs.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetch Fetch the message summaries for the specified message UIDs that have a higher mod-sequence value than the one specified.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetch Fetch the message summaries for the specified message indexes.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetch Fetch the message summaries for the specified message indexes.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetch Fetch the message summaries for the specified message indexes that have a higher mod-sequence value than the one specified.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetch Fetch the message summaries for the messages between the two indexes, inclusive.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetch Fetch the message summaries for the specified message UIDs that have a higher mod-sequence value than the one specified.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetch Fetch the message summaries for the specified message UIDs that have a higher mod-sequence value than the one specified.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetch Fetch the message summaries for the specified message indexes that have a higher mod-sequence value than the one specified.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetch Fetch the message summaries for the specified message indexes that have a higher mod-sequence value than the one specified.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetch Fetch the message summaries for the messages between the two indexes, inclusive.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetch Fetch the message summaries for the messages between the two indexes, inclusive.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetch Fetch the message summaries for the messages between the two indexes (inclusive) that have a higher mod-sequence value than the one specified.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetch Fetch the message summaries for the messages between the two indexes (inclusive) that have a higher mod-sequence value than the one specified.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetch Fetch the message summaries for the messages between the two indexes (inclusive) that have a higher mod-sequence value than the one specified.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleFetchAsync Asynchronously fetch the message summaries for the specified message UIDs.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetchAsync Asynchronously fetch the message summaries for the specified message indexes.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetchAsync Asynchronously fetch the message summaries for the specified message UIDs.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetchAsync Asynchronously fetch the message summaries for the specified message UIDs.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetchAsync Asynchronously fetch the message summaries for the specified message UIDs that have a higher mod-sequence value than the one specified.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetchAsync Asynchronously fetch the message summaries for the specified message indexes.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetchAsync Asynchronously fetch the message summaries for the specified message indexes.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetchAsync Asynchronously fetch the message summaries for the specified message indexes that have a higher mod-sequence value than the one specified.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetchAsync Asynchronously fetch the message summaries for the messages between the two indexes, inclusive.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetchAsync Asynchronously fetch the message summaries for the specified message UIDs that have a higher mod-sequence value than the one specified.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetchAsync Asynchronously fetch the message summaries for the specified message UIDs that have a higher mod-sequence value than the one specified.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetchAsync Asynchronously fetch the message summaries for the specified message indexes that have a higher mod-sequence value than the one specified.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetchAsync Asynchronously fetch the message summaries for the specified message indexes that have a higher mod-sequence value than the one specified.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetchAsync Asynchronously fetch the message summaries for the messages between the two indexes, inclusive.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetchAsync Asynchronously fetch the message summaries for the messages between the two indexes, inclusive.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetchAsync Asynchronously fetch the message summaries for the messages between the two indexes (inclusive) that have a higher mod-sequence value than the one specified.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetchAsync Asynchronously fetch the message summaries for the messages between the two indexes (inclusive) that have a higher mod-sequence value than the one specified.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetchAsync Asynchronously fetch the message summaries for the messages between the two indexes (inclusive) that have a higher mod-sequence value than the one specified.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveFlags Remove a set of flags from the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveFlags Remove a set of flags from the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveFlags Remove a set of flags from the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveFlags Remove a set of flags from the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveFlags Remove a set of flags from the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveFlags Remove a set of flags from the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveFlags Remove a set of flags from the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveFlags Remove a set of flags from the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveFlags Remove a set of flags from the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveFlags Remove a set of flags from the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveFlags Remove a set of flags from the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveFlags Remove a set of flags from the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveFlagsAsync Asynchronously remove a set of flags from the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveFlagsAsync Asynchronously remove a set of flags from the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveFlagsAsync Asynchronously remove a set of flags from the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveFlagsAsync Asynchronously remove a set of flags from the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveFlagsAsync Asynchronously remove a set of flags from the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveFlagsAsync Asynchronously remove a set of flags from the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveFlagsAsync Asynchronously remove a set of flags from the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveFlagsAsync Asynchronously remove a set of flags from the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveFlagsAsync Asynchronously remove a set of flags from the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveFlagsAsync Asynchronously remove a set of flags from the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveFlagsAsync Asynchronously remove a set of flags from the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveFlagsAsync Asynchronously remove a set of flags from the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveLabels Remove a set of labels from the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveLabels Remove a set of labels from the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveLabels Remove a set of labels from the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveLabels Remove a set of labels from the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveLabels Remove a set of labels from the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveLabels Remove a set of labels from the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveLabelsAsync Asynchronously remove a set of labels from the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveLabelsAsync Asynchronously remove a set of labels from the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveLabelsAsync Asynchronously remove a set of labels from the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveLabelsAsync Asynchronously remove a set of labels from the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveLabelsAsync Asynchronously remove a set of labels from the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveLabelsAsync Asynchronously remove a set of labels from the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodReplace Replace a message in the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodReplace Replace a message in the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodReplace Replace a message in the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodReplace Replace a message in the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodReplace Replace a message in the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodReplace Replace a message in the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodReplace Replace a message in the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodReplace Replace a message in the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodReplaceAsync Asynchronously replace a message in the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodReplaceAsync Asynchronously replace a message in the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodReplaceAsync Asynchronously replace a message in the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodReplaceAsync Asynchronously replace a message in the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodReplaceAsync Asynchronously replace a message in the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodReplaceAsync Asynchronously replace a message in the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodReplaceAsync Asynchronously replace a message in the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodReplaceAsync Asynchronously replace a message in the folder.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetFlags Set the flags of the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetFlags Set the flags of the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetFlags Set the flags of the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetFlags Set the flags of the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetFlags Set the flags of the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetFlags Set the flags of the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetFlags Set the flags of the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetFlags Set the flags of the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetFlags Set the flags of the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetFlags Set the flags of the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetFlags Set the flags of the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetFlags Set the flags of the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetFlagsAsync Asynchronously set the flags of the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetFlagsAsync Asynchronously set the flags of the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetFlagsAsync Asynchronously set the flags of the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetFlagsAsync Asynchronously set the flags of the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetFlagsAsync Asynchronously set the flags of the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetFlagsAsync Asynchronously set the flags of the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetFlagsAsync Asynchronously set the flags of the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetFlagsAsync Asynchronously set the flags of the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetFlagsAsync Asynchronously set the flags of the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetFlagsAsync Asynchronously set the flags of the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetFlagsAsync Asynchronously set the flags of the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetFlagsAsync Asynchronously set the flags of the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetLabels Set the labels of the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetLabels Set the labels of the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetLabels Set the labels of the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetLabels Set the labels of the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetLabels Set the labels of the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetLabels Set the labels of the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetLabelsAsync Asynchronously set the labels of the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetLabelsAsync Asynchronously set the labels of the specified messages.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetLabelsAsync Asynchronously set the labels of the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetLabelsAsync Asynchronously set the labels of the specified message.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetLabelsAsync Asynchronously set the labels of the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSetLabelsAsync Asynchronously set the labels of the specified messages only if their mod-sequence value is less than the specified value.
(Defined by IMailFolderExtensions)
Implemented by ImapFolder.
public static void DownloadMessages ()
    using (var client = new ImapClient ()) {
        client.Connect ("", 993, SecureSocketOptions.SslOnConnect);

        client.Authenticate ("username", "password");

        client.Inbox.Open (FolderAccess.ReadOnly);

        var uids = client.Inbox.Search (SearchQuery.All);

        foreach (var uid in uids) {
            var message = client.Inbox.GetMessage (uid);

            // write the message to a file
            message.WriteTo (string.Format ("{0}.eml", uid));

        client.Disconnect (true);
See Also