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ContentEncoding Enumeration

An enumeration of all supported content transfer encodings.

Namespace: MimeKit
Assembly: MimeKit (in MimeKit.dll) Version: 4.10.0
public enum ContentEncoding
Member nameValueDescription
Default0 The default encoding (aka no encoding at all).
SevenBit1 The 7bit content transfer encoding. This encoding should be restricted to textual content in the US-ASCII range.
EightBit2 The 8bit content transfer encoding. This encoding should be restricted to textual content outside the US-ASCII range but may not be supported by all transport services such as older SMTP servers that do not support the 8BITMIME extension.
Binary3 The binary content transfer encoding. This encoding is simply unencoded binary data. Typically not supported by standard message transport services such as SMTP.
Base644 The base64 content transfer encoding. This encoding is typically used for encoding binary data or textual content in a largely 8bit charset encoding and is supported by all message transport services.
QuotedPrintable5 The quoted-printable content transfer encoding. This encoding is used for textual content that is in a charset that has a minority of characters outside the US-ASCII range (such as ISO-8859-1 and other single-byte charset encodings) and is supported by all message transport services.
UUEncode6 The uuencode content transfer encoding. This is an obsolete encoding meant for encoding binary data and has largely been superseded by Base64.
Some older mail software is unable to properly deal with data outside the ASCII range, so it is sometimes necessary to encode the content of MIME entities.
See Also